Literacy/ SPLD support
Please find below useful links and Chromebook extensions that you can add to your Chrome browser:
https://www.thetechieteacher.net/2017/10/10-free-text-to-speech-web-tools-for.html - This is a list of all the different types of assistive technology that can be used to help students including the ones below.
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/readwrite-for-google-chro/inoeonmfapjbbkmdafoankkfajkcphgd This is probably the best one but it’s blocked by admin so I can’t try it.
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/read-aloud-a-text-to-spee/hdhinadidafjejdhmfkjgnolgimiaplp?hl=en This one is for reading web pages but again blocked by admin.
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clarospeak/fblbeibikalffoohjpiojmpmmndpkeii/related This one is an extension that reads back the work a pupil has typed so that they can check it makes sense.