It is vital that all of our learners have access to high literacy, numeracy, and digital provision to ensure that they can become successful for their futures.
Our Estyn 2022 report states " the school has developed and implemented successful strategies to raise pupils' standards." And " This has contributed towards maintaining pupils’ literacy and numeracy skills as well as enhancing their information communication and technology (ICT) skills. As a result, standards of pupils’ work seen in lessons and books during this visit are better than at the time of the core inspection, particularly in the secondary phase. "
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The DCF which stands for Digital Competence Framework is an integral part of the new Curriculum for Wales.
We all must be role modelling DCF skills across the curriculum.
It is a necessary tool for our learners to be able to be confident and aware of the digital world and hold the necessary skills for their futures.
The Digital Competence Framework (DCF) is a tool which can be used to map digital skills across the curriculum within all Key Stages. There are four strands:
Interacting and Collaborating
Data and Computational Thinking
Digital Leaders from ALC 3-16 attended an event to produce resources for this year's Safer Internet Day 2024. Digital Leaders created Google Slides on cybersecurity topics and then collaboratively created voice-overs. These resources were shared with all campuses to help promote SID 2024, 'Together for a better internet'.